Volatile - VRChat Model
Volatile Model for VRChat. Clothing, accessories and legs have been made from scratch.
Toggles / Features
- Jacket
- Shirt
- Pants
- Straps
- Bra
- Panties
- Mask
- Mask Visor
- Hat
- Back Jets
- Polearms
- Has foldable stock through physbones
- Detachable Mag through physbones
- Grabbable Bolt through physbones
- Firing Mode
- Mute Keyboard / Prewritten Messages
- Sleightyball Spring Joint
- Overall Hue
- Hair Hue
- Audio Link
- Robot / Glitter Eyes
- Robot Eye Hue
- Hair Emission on / off
- DPS Menu
- Shorter Jet Poles (Incase you want the view point further inside the head)
Drone Controls:
- Spawn / Despawn
- Drone Audio Toggle
- Drone Fire
Thruster Controls:
- Back Thruster Flames
- Back Thruster Power Change
- Leg Thruster Popout
- Leg Thruster Flames
You need to make sure to get the latest SDK for avatars. Also make sure you have these three into your project before importing this package or you will have issues.
All Clothing, accessories and the robotic legs made by myself.
Body Base: ImLeXz#1234 | https://imlexz.gumroad.com/
Head Base: Onion#1515 | https://onionvr.gumroad.com/
Hair: DarcyVR | https://darcyvr.gumroad.com/
SleightlyBall: | https://justsleightly.gumroad.com/
Follower Logic: | https://github.com/VRLabs/
7Display: https://uber5001.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=library
Licensing for the model:
1. No; leaking, trading, friend uploads, or price splitting, resale or redistribution
2. YOU may NOT: upload this model to other accounts, use parts of this model for commercial use
3. only PRIVATE use
4. YOU MAY use stuff made by me on your avatars for personal use only!
5. DO NOT DO minimal changes of my work and turn the avatar around for resale.
6. You MUST enter your Discord ID, VRChat name in order to purchase.
7. If you wish to use any of the assets that are on these avatar, you will need to purchase/download from the original creators.
8. There are no refunds. If you purchase the asset and the transaction is completed, the order is finished
If you need more information on copyright please visit, https://www.copyright.gov/title17/ for more information.
I am not responsible for any misuse to the model or not following TOS with any platform like VRChat rules.
This is a digital product For digital downloads, consumers will need to waive their cancellation rights before digital content can be provided. This means that once a consumer/customer has downloaded the content, then they have given up their consumer rights to a refund.
Unity Package, FBX's, 4K Textures